Compatibility & Downloads
Open Compatibility & Downloads
The Product Compatibility and Download Center (PCDC) is a comprehensive resource provided by Rockwell Automation to assist users in finding product-related downloads, including firmware, release notes, associated software, drivers, tools, and utilities.
Key Features of PCDC:
- Product Compatibility: Determine how different products interact and compare features and capabilities between different series of products and associated firmware versions.
- Downloads: Access a wide range of downloads, such as firmware, release notes, associated software, drivers, tools, and utilities.
Open Compatibility & Downloads
- Software Activations: Manage software activations, including downloading, rehosting, and transferring product keys.
- Add-on Profiles: Download and install components to decrease programming time of your industrial control system.
- Application Code Libraries: Access libraries of standard application code to help integrate automation products into systems.
- Drivers & Firmware: Download firmware and drivers to keep your products efficient and current.
- Electronic Data Sheets (EDS): Use EDS files with network configuration tools to identify products and commission them on a network.
- EPLAN Macros: Download pre-configured macros for designing panels.
- Sample Code Library: Share or download logic, HMI, and drives code with the worldwide automation community.
- Software Patches: Download software patches to ensure safety, security, and operational integrity of industrial control products and systems.
Accessing PCDC:
To access the Product Compatibility and Download Center, visit the official Rockwell Automation website:
Open Compatibility & Downloads
Additional Resources:
For a detailed overview and guidance on using the Product Compatibility and Download Center, you can refer to the following resources:
- Quick Reference Guide: This guide provides an overview of the PCDC and its features.
- Video Tutorial: A video demonstration on how to use the Product Compatibility and Download Center.
These resources offer valuable information to help you navigate and utilize the PCDC effectively.